About Us
Our innate attraction to nature has been built up for hundreds of thousands of years yet recently the human connection with nature has been broken, becoming more and more distanced, losing its vast range of assets. Today, mankind spends up to 93% of their time indoors (Klepeis et. al, 2001); the desire for human interaction with the natural world is not a recent proposal, one which simply has been disregarded and pushed to the side in these modern times. With causes such as modern-day industry and growth, this detachment from nature has only increased; in turn eliminating access to the proven benefits the natural world can provide.Our mission at Tyrol Outdoor is to reconnect and strengthen the bond between you and the natural world. The interaction with nature not only boosts well-being but improves concentration and engagement, mental and physical energy as well as cognitive ability.

Clemens Arvay, an Austrian biologist who specialized in medical ecology, expressed that the interconnection between humans and nature is a “healing bond” (Arvay, 2018, p.xi). It is vital to understand that biophilia (an innate and genetically determined affinity of human beings with the natural world) covers a scope of benefits relating to reduced stress and fatigue whilst improving mood, health and well-being, creativity and increased engagement just to name a few; Arvay describes the natural world to be a natural health-supporting environment (Arvay, 2018). Over the past 35 years, studies have proven that humans perform better and experience reduced sickness and stress when nature is present within their lifestyles. Qing Li, a Professor of forest medicine, states that spending time in a forest atmosphere persistently lowered stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline in patients. After a single day in the woods, a man’s adrenaline levels would drop by almost 30 per cent and after two days 35 per cent. Furthermore, a woman's adrenaline level reduced by more than 50 per cent on the first day and by 75 per cent the following day compared to original values (Arvay, 2018). With this in mind, Tyrol Outdoor aims to create products that inspire, energise and support you into your journey with the natural world.
Tyrol derives from a root word meaning terrain, ground, soil… the foundation from which our connection with nature stems from.
Inspired by the vast benefits offered by nature and a desire for contemporary outdoor apparel. Tyrol Outdoor Apparel was created in the Peak District National Park with a passion to inspire and improve your well-being through the innate bond we have with the natural world.